Saturday, September 19, 2009

Talk about Extreme Makeover!

Have you ever struggled with body image? You know, you’re out shopping and that outfit looks so cute on the hanger so you go try it on and you look like the Pillsbury dough girl trying to wear spandex. I stood in front of the mirror sobbing, wishing I could be skinnier and prettier.
I struggled with that my whole life. As a teenager I was a size 14 in a sea of size 8’s. I felt fat and ugly and not worthy of attention. Even to the point that I would bring a bottle of Ipicac Syrup home, sneak down into my bedroom, pour it into a cup and drink it down to make myself throw up.

I was desparate to be thin. All I saw was my flaws.
I used to tell people that God made me from all the spare parts he had laying around because my lower half was much bigger than my upper half and I had cankles, no ankles just your calf connecting to you foot.
All the years of yo-yo dieting and exercise left me exhausted and hungry. I just had to learn to accept who I was even though I wasn’t happy. After I started having kids, at least then, I was able to use an excuse. “my hips are so big because I’ve got kids” or “these are good birthing hips” I know I joked about it but inside I felt worthless. I didn’t fit into that mold of what I thought I should look like.
More importantly I didn’t see how god could use me as I was. I prayed that God would change me so I could be noticed.

Well he did and now I have something bigger than even most woman would ever face.

As a result of my auto accident I had my lower right leg amputated! That was a hard reality for me to face. I was 29 supposed to be in the prime of life. Yet, here I was missing my foot!
And it’s not very pretty. Sexy is out of the question. But I was forced to get over my self image issues because if I dwelled on my imperfection I would have completely shut down. And it was while I began sharing my story of my leg that I could see that God could still use me, even like this. And although I know that I am different I began to see how God loved me and I understood that I am beautifully and wonderfully made. God doesn’t need perfection to achieve his purpose. He needs me just the way that I am.

Romans 12:1 says; Therefore, I urge you in view of God’s mercy, offer your bodies as living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to god. This is your spiritual act of worship.

Notice he didn’t say offer yourself only if you are a size 2, or if your nose is perfectly straight or your complexion is clear.
He just said offer yourself. Who you are right now is holy and pleasing to God. He even considers it worship. He feels honored when you give yourself to him! Isn’t that amazing!
God’s not into extreme makeover for your body as he is into extreme makeover for your soul. He did that in me because I let go of what the world said I had to look like and quit comparing myself to the Hollywood movie stars. I renewed my thinking and began to see myself as God sees me.

The next verse is Romans 12:2 and says; To not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to accept his will. His good pleasing and perfect will.

I love the end of this verse because I may not be perfect but his will is. My prosthetist once told me “you were born to be an amputee” I just said “ well, God knew I would be I’m glad he was planning ahead” And I meant it. He designed me with intimate detail and with great care and planning. He knew I would lose my leg before I was born. He knows every curve in my body and every misshapen part and loves me anyway.
Aren’t you glad that God doesn’t love us based on how we fix our hair or what clothes we wear or what we smell like. He loves us because we are a unique creation of his own design. You are unique and precious in God’s eyes. So why not offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to him
I challenge you to get over yourself, like I had to get over myself, and allow God to fill your life with purpose and passion. Know that God has a plan for you. And that plan is good, pleasing and perfect.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great post, Katie. I struggle so often with body issues, even today. But, God is doing a work... at least, when I allow Him to.

    You are an amazing, beautiful sister in Christ!

    How did your speaking engagement go?
