Friday, August 14, 2009


Have you ever felt hopeless? Your so overwhelmed you feel like you can't breath. You've exhausted all your resources, energy and joy. Your situation is your only focus and you are cornered. The only way out is by making choices you don't want to make because you fear the outcome.
I'll always remember the look my doctor had as he examined my x-rays. He stood there scratching his head with a frown, excused himself with x-rays in hand and returned with a solemn expression. "I'm sorry Katie but your ankle has rebroke. It's beyond repair. You're only choices are ankle fusion or amputation!" At that moment it felt like he had just sucked all the air out of my lungs. I couldn't breath for a second as I let the horrible truth sink in. 'this can't be happening, not me. I'm 29, I'm a mom, I've got a life I want to live. This would surely be the end of it. No, there's got to be another answer. I'll just get a second opinion.' That was my exact thoughts when I left the office. But after my 4th opinion it had finally sunk in that I would have to make the decision. Fusion or amputation. I felt hopeless!
It took weeks to let it sink in before I could begin to make that decision. My wonderful husband was very practical "Just get it cut off and move on" was his advice. That did not provide any encouragement, I revolted at the thought. So when the vail of hopelessness covered me I turned to God. I didn't just pray. I prayed without ceasing! I prayed that God would help me make the right decision and give me peace. By this time in life I knew that I could trust God. He had answered so many prayers. But this was a permanent decision and neither outcome seemed promising.
God did give an answer and once the decision was made the vail of hopelessness was lifted and I was blanketed with peace. Only God can provide a peace like that. My soul was still and I rested in the joy that comes from trusting God. No matter what your facing turn to God he will give you answers and peace. He will provide hope in a hopeless situation.


  1. Hey my Ndebele Sister! Got your email and am so glad you are 'up and running!' You are so right about Him being our hope.

    You have such a powerful story to tell, I can't wait to hear more of it!

    If you click on my name above, it will pull you to my blog. See you around! Hee!

  2. Katie,
    It is so great to "see" you on here. Your story here is powerful, so powerful. Thank you for sharing.

    If you ever need any help with anything let me know, and i will attempt it! :)

    God bless,
